Promotional Products Distributor Vs Self-Serve: Who Wins?

2023-02-22T11:24:09-07:00Promotional Products|

by AIT Promotions Branding is an important part of building a business and making a mark in your chosen industry. Creating a killer logo and website is just one small part of the overall branding effort, as it’s more about making people understand what your business is all about when they see your company [...]

When Promoting Your Business, “Perception is Reality”

2017-05-31T12:47:13-07:00Branding, Promotional Products, Trade Shows/Events|

by Heather Rykowski Investing in boat loads of cheap promotional products to giveaway at trade shows was considered effective marketing, back in the day, but no more! Businesses are beginning to realize that giveaways directly reflect the quality of their brand regardless of who’s receiving it…a prospect, customer, or employee.  Spending more money on quality [...]

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